Filling and emptying device

The automatic filling and emptying systems of EKIVINO SERIES 950 are designed to facilitate wine transfer and achieve productivity, accuracy and save time.

Filling and emptying device

The system is has a pressure control device on the cane. There is a tube fitted in the cane and attached to a flexible tube connected to a digital control device, it registers the internal pressure and detects if the barrel is empty or full. The system also has a transfer gun for manual filling, mobile platform, emergency shut-down, timer and so on.

The operating control board is fitted with control and detection devices, along with appropriate electrical protections in accordance with CE standards (for operations at 24 V).

A switch allows the user to move from emptying to filling mode and vice versa, using the same stick for both tasks

Suitable and versatile, both for filling by gravity or with a pump

The automatic filling and emptying system has a 1.5 H.P. compressor for pneumatic operations. for pneumatic operations.

Its design guarantees a long useful lifetime, the whole device is made of stainless steel: simple to maintain and easy to clean.

* NOTE: Please note the standard equipment of the filling and emptying system does not include the transfer pump.

Power (H.P) Dimensions (LxHxW) Three-phase voltage Manoeuvre voltage (v) Inlet connection (DIN) Weight (kg) Material Flow rate (l/min)
500 x 570 x 1500mm
NW 50
Stainless Steel AISI 304
Depending on conditions


Filling and emptying device

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